For some years, we have been aware of the existence of online reputation management techniques. This method, which is basically playing Google to get online content in first page results, is an underdeveloped field. Google recently came out of the woods and admitted the existence of it, providing a few tips on how to counter what could be termed as “bad press.” Drawing on years of experience, and having a demonstrably successful track record in achieving first page results in keyword categories, UNGOOGLE offers online reputation management services at affordable cost. There are companies out there that guarantee complete removal of negative content from search results. This, we have found, is not possible, unless your name is Larry Page or Sergey Brin.

More and more people, and employers, are using Google as a source of information on individuals, companies and products. Therefore we offer competitive rates, and bespoke solutions, to get off the first page unwanted results. We know how to and can prove it. Contact us at ungoogle at ungoogle dot net, or through this blog, to get a free quote.

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